How to Draw a Chinese Woman

November 8, 2024

Despite being raised to be submissive and modest, Chinese women can also be bold and independent. This is especially true of women who defy social conventions and break into male-dominated professions.

If you’re interested in a Chinese woman, look for subtle signs she’s into you. This could include eye contact, expressive body language, or sharing personal details.


A Chinese woman who’s interested in you might exhibit a variety of subtle signs. For example, she may express a deep interest in your hobbies or share personal experiences. Subtle body language, such as eye contact and leaning in during conversations, can also indicate that she’s smitten.

To draw the eye, begin with a circle for the eyeball and a line for the lower lid. Next, sketch in the upper and lower eyelashes. To make the eyes look Asian, taper the pencil stroke at the inner corner of the eye. This area is known as the caruncula. Then, sketch the iris. You may want to include a pupil, but keep it small. Darken the iris outline once you’re happy with it. Also, include the hairs near the outer edge of the iris that point up.


To start, we need to make the construction lines for the face. To do this, draw a circle and a horizontal line in it, as well as a vertical line that intersects both lines. Then add the chin and cheekbones. Finally, add the neck, ears and eyebrows.

You can also add a smile or frown depending on the mood you want to give your character.

Finally, be aware of cultural differences between East Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Korean etc) and Southeast Asians (Filipinos, Vietnamese, Thai, Indonesian etc). For example, many SE Asians wear their hair in styles that cover or cradle the face whereas many East Asians do not.


Chinese women tend to be more subtle in showing they are into you, but if you catch her playfully touching her hair or holding eye contact for longer periods of time, it is a sure sign that she is flirting with you. Showing genuine interest in her hobbies and interests, as well as being supportive of her goals, will go a long way in winning her heart. Also, be respectful of her English skills and don’t mock her accent or slang. She will appreciate your sensitivity. The Red Yao women of Huangluo traditionally wore their hair wrapped, and only their husbands would have the privilege of seeing it.


If you want your female figure to look proportionally accurate, it’s a good idea to use a photo or a drawing mannequin as a reference. It will help you get the proportions of the shoulders, chest, waist, hips, and knees right.

Most modern Chinese women tend to be relatively tall and slim, but some may have more curves than others. They may also have more pronounced cheekbones or a narrower waist and hip ratio than Westerners. The height and width of a woman’s body can be affected by genetics, diet, lifestyle, and culture.

To draw a female body, start by making a horizontal line that’s 7 1/2 heads high on your paper. This will be the torso’s base. Next, draw a line that’s halfway below the bottom line to mark where the feet will be. Then draw a rectangle that extends a half head distance from both ends to indicate the neck and shoulders. Make sure to label the top of this rectangle as the chin. Then, add a curved line for the shoulders and another angled one for the hips. Finally, draw a line that’s 1/5 of a head length below the top horizontal line to mark where the legs will be.

To win the heart of a Chinese lady, you’ll need to pay attention to her subtle cues. For example, if she holds eye contact longer than usual or playfully touches her hair during a conversation, it’s a sign that she might be interested in you. She might also send you sweet messages with friendly rhymes and cute emojis to let you know she’s thinking of you. In addition, she might ask you to meet her parents if she’s already decided she wants to date you.

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