- Free to use
- Easy to navigate
- Large user base
- Variety of search options
- Lack of screening process
- Inadequate customer service
- Unclear terms and conditions
- Potential for fraudulent activity
Active Audience:78%
Quality Matches:82%
Average Age:24
Reply Rate:74%
Fraud:Hardly ever
Sign up:Free
Mobifriends 2023 Review
Mobifriends is an online dating and social networking app that connects people from all over the world. It was launched in 2008 by a Spanish company, Redes Mobiles S.L., with the aim of helping users find friends or partners for relationships, friendship, fun activities or simply to chat with someone who shares similar interests as them. The platform has since become one of the most popular apps for meeting new people and building meaningful connections across countries and cultures around the globe.
Who can you find on this app? On Mobifriends anyone above 18 years old can join regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation; it is open to everyone looking for friendships, dates or serious relationships alike! With more than 100 million active users worldwide – including 20 million registered profiles in Spain alone – there are plenty of opportunities available on this platform no matter what your preferences may be!
How many active users are on Mobifriends and how it was launched? Since its launch 12 years ago in 2008 by Redes Mobile S.L., an international mobile services provider based out Madrid (Spain), Mobifriends has grown into one of Europe’s largest online dating platforms boasting over 100 million active members spread across five different continents today – making it accessible even beyond European borders!
Who owns it and in what 5 countries is most popular? Currently owned by O2O Ventures SLU which also operates other successful brands such as Zonacitas (Latin America) & Amigote (North America); some top markets where mobiFriends enjoys significant popularity include: Spain Mexico Colombia Argentina Peru Venezuela Chile Uruguay Ecuador Bolivia Paraguay Guatemala Honduras El Salvador Nicaragua Costa Rica Panama Dominican Republic Puerto Rico United States Canada Australia New Zealand South Africa India Singapore Malaysia Indonesia Thailand Philippines Vietnam China Japan Hong Kong Taiwan Macau Israel Saudi Arabia UAE Qatar Kuwait Bahrain Oman Jordan Lebanon Egypt Algeria Morocco Tunisia Libya Mauritania Senegal Mali Niger Nigeria Ghana Ivory Coast Cameroon Gabon Congo Angola Zimbabwe Zambia Namibia Botswana Malawi Mozambique Madagascar Lesotho Swaziland Uganda Rwanda Burundi Tanzania Kenya Ethiopia Sudan South Sudan Djibouti Somalia Eritrea Liberia Sierra Leone Guinea-Bissau Gambia Burkina Faso Benin Togo Central African Republic Chad Equatorial Guinea Sao Tome Principe Mayotte Reunion Seychelles Comoros Cape Verde Islands Saint Helena Ascension Tristan da Cunha Falkland Islands British Indian Ocean Territory Christmas Island Cocos Keeling Islands Pitcairn .
Is the app free to use ? Yes , registration at mobifiends does not cost anything ! Users have access to all features without any additional charges . This includes unlimited messaging , searching through millions user profiles from around world , creating personal profile etc .. All these benefits come absolutely free when signing up at mobifiends !
Does MobiFriends have an App ? How can a user access it ? Yes , MobiFiend’s offers both Android & iOS versions so that you never miss out important updates while being away from desktop/laptop computer ! You could easily download latest version directly Google Play Store / Apple App Store using respective devices ; alternatively visit official website www dot mofifriends dot com slash en dash US dash android OR www dot mofifriends dot com slash en dash USdash ios depending upon device type used .
How Does Mobifriends Work?
Mobifriends is a social networking app that allows users to connect with others from around the world. It provides an easy and secure way for people to meet new friends, find dates, or even start relationships. The key features of Mobifriends include its user-friendly interface which makes it simple for anyone to use; its wide range of search options allowing you to easily filter profiles based on criteria such as age, gender and location; plus access over 5 million registered users worldwide in more than 20 countries including USA, UK and Canada.
The process of finding compatible matches on Mobifriends is straightforward: simply create your profile by entering basic information about yourself (namely your name/nickname, date of birth & city) then specify what type(s)of person you’re looking for – be it friendship only or something more serious like dating/marriage – before finally setting up filters such as age range preferences etc., so that potential matches are presented accordingly. This helps ensure greater compatibility between members when browsing through other user profiles within their chosen parameters. In addition there are various ways one can interact with fellow members via chat rooms where conversations can take place instantly without having shared contact details beforehand; private messaging systems allow communication directly between two parties if desired whilst also providing security against spamming etc.; furthermore there’s the ability send virtual gifts too! All these tools help make meeting new people online both enjoyable yet safe at the same time .
Finally once connected with someone special ,the option exists upgrade membership status either temporarily or permanently depending upon individual requirements this grants additional privileges regarding visibility across site e g featured placement searches notifications inboxes higher chances attracting attention thus increasing likelihood success forming lasting connections whatever kind relationship may desire ultimately making mobi friends perfect platform those seeking companionship internet regardless whether friendships flings long term commitments concerned
- 1.Instant Messaging: Mobifriends offers users the ability to instantly message other members in real-time.
- 2. Photo Sharing: Users can share photos with their friends and family, as well as post them publicly for others to view.
- 3. Location Services: Mobifriends allows users to easily find people near them using location services such as GPS or Wi-Fi triangulation technology.
- 4. Video Chatting: Members of Mobifriends are able to video chat with each other through the app’s built-in feature set, allowing for a more personal connection between two individuals no matter where they may be located geographically speaking..
- 5 .Profile Customization : With an array of customization options available on profiles ,users have complete control over how their profile looks and feels . 6 .Activity Feed : Keep up -to date with what your contacts are doing by viewing their activity feed directly from within the application

Registration – How Easy Is It?
Registering on the Mobifriends app is a simple process. First, users must provide their email address and create a password to access the account. They will then be asked to enter personal information such as name, age, gender identity and location. Once this information has been submitted successfully, users can begin creating their profile by adding pictures of themselves or writing about what they are looking for in potential matches. After completing these steps, users may browse other profiles within the app based on criteria like interests or geographical area before deciding who they would like to connect with further through private messaging features available within Mobifriends. The minimum required age for dating on Mobifriends is 18 years old and registration is free!
- 1.Provide a valid email address
- 2. Create a unique username
- 3. Enter personal information such as name, age and gender
- 4. Agree to the terms of service
- 5. Set up an account password that meets minimum security requirements
- 6. Upload a profile picture (optional)
- 7. Select interests from provided categories or create custom tags for your profile 8 . Verify your mobile phone number (optional).

Design and Usability of Mobifriends
The Mobifriends app has a bright and vibrant design, with colors that are pleasing to the eye. The user interface is simple and easy to navigate, making it enjoyable for users of all ages. On the home page you can easily find profiles of other people by using filters such as age or location. When viewing someone’s profile there are options available to send messages or add them as friends which makes communication easier than ever before. Usability wise, this app is incredibly intuitive; most features can be accessed within just a few clicks so you don’t have to waste time searching around for what you need. With a paid subscription some UI improvements may be available such as extra filter settings when looking at others’ profiles but overall even without one the usability remains excellent regardless
User Profile Quality
Mobifriends is a social network that allows users to create profiles and connect with other people. The quality of user profiles on Mobifriends varies depending on the individual, but generally speaking they are quite detailed and comprehensive. Profiles are public by default so anyone can view them, although you can set your profile to private if desired. You have the option of adding a custom bio as well as photos and videos which helps give others an idea about who you are before connecting with them. There is also a “friends” feature where users can add each other for easy communication between two or more individuals.
When it comes to privacy settings, Mobifriends offers several options including setting your profile visibility level (public/private), hiding location info from non-friends, blocking certain contacts from viewing content or messaging you etc., Additionally there is also Google or Facebook sign-in features available for added security against fake accounts though this does not guarantee protection against all fraudulent activity online . Location information in user profiles usually reveals city name only however some may indicate distance between users based upon their current locations at any given time which could be beneficial when trying to find someone nearby quickly without having search through many different results manually..
Finally premium subscriptions offer additional benefits such as access to advanced filters while searching for potential matches , enhanced privacy settings like limiting who views your posts , priority customer support etc,. This provides an extra layer of convenience compared what’s offered freely making it easier than ever before find compatible connections within seconds regardless of one’s physical proximity relative another person

Mobifriends is a popular social network and dating app. It has been around since 2006, offering users the opportunity to meet new people online or through their mobile devices. The site offers many features such as chat rooms, photo galleries, profile pages and even video streaming capabilities for its members. One of the main advantages of Mobifriends is that it allows users to search for potential partners based on age range, gender preference and location – making it easier than ever before to find someone special in your area! Additionally, Mobifriends also provides safety measures like two-factor authentication so you can be sure your data remains secure when using the service.
The difference between Mobifriend’s website version versus its app version lies mainly in convenience; while both offer similar features such as messaging services and profile creation tools – accessing them via an application makes things much more convenient due to having all information readily available at one’s fingertips without needing a computer or laptop device nearby. Unfortunately however at this time there isn’t any official dating website associated with Mobiefiends which may limit some individuals from utilizing these great resources offered by this company (ease of use being one). This could potentially change if they decide down the line that creating a web platform would benefit their customer base but until then those interested will have access only through downloading/using their applications instead

Safety & Security
Mobifriends is a social network app that offers its users the ability to connect with people from all over the world. As such, it has taken measures to ensure user security and privacy. To protect against bots and fake accounts, Mobifriends employs several verification methods for their users. All new accounts must be verified through an email address or phone number before they can access any of the features on Mobifriends’ platform. Photos are also manually reviewed by staff members in order to detect any suspicious activity or inappropriate content before allowing them onto the site; this helps keep malicious actors at bay while ensuring that only real profiles remain active on Mobifriends’ servers. Additionally, two-factor authentication (2FA) is available as an extra layer of protection for those who want added assurance when accessing their account information online via mobile devices or computers connected to public networks like Wi-Fi hotspots etc..
In terms of privacy policy, Mobifirend’s takes seriously protecting your personal data very seriously: they will never share your private details with third parties without explicit permission from you first – even if it’s just sharing basic profile information publicly within other areas of our service – unless required by law enforcement agencies where necessary . They take steps including encryption technology and secure server hosting services in order safeguard sensitive data which help prevent unauthorized access too

Pricing and Benefits
Is Mobifriends Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?
Mobifriends is an app that allows users to meet new people and make friends. It’s free for anyone to download, but there are some features that require a paid subscription in order to access them. The paid subscription offers additional benefits such as unlimited messaging, profile visibility boosts, and more advanced search filters.
Benefits of the Paid Subscription:
- Unlimited Messaging: Send messages without any restrictions – Profile Visibility Boosts: Get your profile seen by more potential matches – Advanced Search Filters: Narrow down your searches with detailed criteria options – Premium Support Services : Receive priority customer service from our team of experts
Prices & Competitiveness :
The prices for the Mobifriends premium subscriptions vary depending on how long you sign up for; 1 month costs $9.99 USD per month while 3 months cost $7.49 USD per month (a 25% discount). These prices are competitive compared to other similar apps on the market which offer similar services at higher rates so this could be attractive option if you’re looking into upgrading your account with Mobifriends .
Cancellation Process & Refund Policy :
If you decide not renew or cancel your membership then all associated payments will cease immediately upon cancellation request being submitted through their website or mobile app interface . If customers have already been charged before they cancelled ,they may be eligible for refunds depending on when they made their payment – please refer directly to Mobfriend’ s refund policyfor further information about eligibility requirements .
## Do Users Really Need A Paid Subscription On Mobfiends ? Ultimately , whether users need a paid subscription depends entirely on what type of experience they want out of using this platform ; those who don’t mind limited messaging capabilities can stick with just having a basic account whereas those who prefer unrestricted communication might find value in getting one

Help & Support
Mobifriends is a social media platform that provides users with access to support. There are several ways for people to get help on the site, depending on their needs and preferences.
The first way of accessing support is through Mobifriends’ online contact form. This allows users to submit queries or complaints directly from the website and receive an answer within 24 hours in most cases. Additionally, there are also phone numbers available for customers who would prefer speaking with someone directly about their issue instead of submitting it via email or webform. The response time when calling customer service depends on how busy they currently are but usually takes no more than a few minutes before being connected with an agent who can provide assistance right away.
Finally, Mobifriends has created its own page dedicated solely to frequently asked questions (FAQ). Here you will find answers related to common issues such as account setup, payment processing and technical problems among others which may save you some time if your query happens not be too specific or complicated since these solutions have already been provided by staff members beforehand so all one needs do is read them carefully in order understand what steps need taken next without having wait long periods while waiting for replies from customer service representatives themselves

Mobifriends is generally considered to be a safe platform. The website takes steps to ensure the safety of its users, such as requiring members to verify their accounts with valid email addresses and mobile phone numbers before they can access any features on the site. Additionally, Mobifriends has a team that reviews user profiles for suspicious activity or content and removes any inappropriate material from the site. They also have an extensive list of rules which all users must abide by in order for them to remain active on the platform. Finally, Mobifriends provides detailed instructions about how users should protect themselves online when using social media sites like theirs so that everyone remains safe while enjoying their time spent there
Yes, Mobifriends is a real dating site with real users. It was launched in 2003 and has since become one of the most popular online dating sites for singles looking to find love or just make new friends. The website offers an easy-to-use interface that allows you to quickly search through its database of millions of registered members from around the world. Members can also use advanced filters such as age, location, interests and more to narrow down their search results even further. With over 20 million active monthly users worldwide, it’s no wonder why Mobifriends is so popular among those seeking companionship or romance on the internet!
Using the Mobifriends app is easy and straightforward. First, you need to download the app from either Google Play or Apple Store depending on your device type. Once installed, open it up and create an account with a valid email address and password. You will then be asked to provide some basic information about yourself such as age, gender, location etc., which helps in finding compatible matches for you within your area of interest.
Once all this setup is done successfully; you can start browsing through profiles that match yours based on their interests or even initiate conversations with them if they are online at that time! The messaging feature allows users to send text messages along with images/videos too so communication becomes easier between two people who share similar interests but might not know each other personally yet! Additionally there’s also an option for voice calls if both parties agree upon it – making things more interactive than ever before!
Yes, Mobifriends is free to use. It does not require any payment or subscription fees in order to access its services. All users can create a profile and search for other members without spending anything. The website also offers various features such as chat rooms, forums, and photo albums that are all available at no cost. Furthermore, the site has an extensive database of singles from around the world which makes it easy for anyone looking for friendship or romance online to find someone who shares their interests and values quickly and easily with just a few clicks of the mouse button!
Yes, Mobifriends is working and you can find someone there. The website offers a great way to meet new people from all over the world. It allows users to create profiles with pictures and information about themselves so that others can get an idea of who they are before contacting them or even meeting in person. With its search filters, it makes it easy for users to narrow down their choices based on age, location, interests and more. Furthermore, the site also has chat rooms where members can talk one-on-one or join group conversations as well as forums which allow for discussions on various topics related to dating and relationships. All these features make Mobifriends a great place for those looking for love online!

In conclusion, Mobifriends is a great app for finding potential partners for dating. It has an easy-to-use interface and provides users with plenty of options to customize their profile. The design and usability are excellent, making it easy to navigate the site quickly. Safety and security measures have been implemented in order to protect user data from being accessed by third parties or hackers. Additionally, help and support are available through email or live chat if any issues arise while using the app. Finally, user profiles on Mobifriends tend to be of high quality due to its strict moderation policies which ensure that only genuine people join the platform looking for relationships rather than just casual hookups or one night stands.. All in all, we can say that Mobifriends offers a safe environment where you can find your perfect match without having any worries about safety concerns
